Hey guy it’s Spring, time to pack it up

Here are a few tips to follow now that spring is here and those wool trousers and tweed blazers and sweaters won’t be useful.

 Toss it

If you didn’t wear it this year, chances are you won’t wear it next year. Give it to goodwill or your younger brother.

 Become Mr.Clean

Yep, it’s your favorite thing to do (hence the sarcasm). Make sure your clothes are cleaned properly and packed away. We like sweater/shirts boxes from the Container store. They have the easy drop-front opening for easy access. To lazy? Just ask your local dry cleaners if they will clean, fold and box them for you.


Do the retail fold


Wondered how those shirts are so perfectly stacked when you enter any retail store? Here’s the secret…a folding board. Brands like Brabantia display the easy to follow images on the actual board for  master the fold.

Tools you will need

Jacket/Coat hangers.

They come with sufficient shoulder support to keep the form of your Sport-coats and/or jackets. Tip: These hangers may come in different sizes small and large. If you are a 36-40 in your suit size (XS-Medium) opt for the smaller hanger and if you are a 42-44 size (L-XL) opt for the larger hanger.

Sweater Boxes:

Hey remember those sweaters I mention? Yeah, pack those in here. Look for something that pest and dust won’t be able to come in contact with.

Garment Bags:

If you have and few suits, you should have a few of these around. If not…go buy some, but make sure they are canvas. Canvas allows the item(s) to breathe

Cedar is your friend:

Cedar helps absorbs sweat, moisture and odor. Sachets, blocks, balls etc doesn’t matter. We like the realistic smell of the woods from the Siskiyou sachets. The require less space  as they hang inside your garment bag, or place inside the sweater boxes we mentioned.